Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Run like Paula Radcliffe: Let Your Girls Learn How It's Done

Do you have girls in the house who are marathon enthusiasts? Today, we have decided to bring some marathon champion quotes to you, so your sports enthusiast girls can get some inspiration and start stepping up their game in the commercial playground or any field for that matter. Nobody can be more inspiring than Paula Radcliffe, so let’s just look at some of her most inspiring words.
  • At big championships it's not the fastest person, it's the person who gets it right on the day.
  • For an athlete, the biggest pressure comes from within. You know what you want to do and what you're capable of.
  • From my training I can get a good idea of what I'm capable of.
  • In the marathon anything can happen.
  • Every time I go out and race it's a goal to go out and run faster than I've done before.
  • A half marathon is a good way to have a bit of fun and race against those girls and learn a bit more about them. The world half marathon is a world championship at the end of the day and it's important. I've win it twice and it's a quality event.
  • I can't imagine living and not running.
  • To represent your country at a home Olympics is something special and I'm over the moon to be selected for Team GB. I was pleased to get the qualifying time in Berlin earlier this year and my sole focus is getting in the right shape for London.
  • I have always run as hard as I can. You are not going to run any harder with or without men. You are running on your own two feet.
  • No one remembers who came fourth.
  • As an athlete, there are advantages being with a team and getting regular physio.
How do you inspire your girls to be active on the playground structures? Share your opinion with us through our comment section below.

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

How Much Time Should Children Spend Outside?


Many folks wonder whether their kids should spend most of their time outside or just some portion of the day. There is no simple answer to that question. This article seeks to find how much time kids should spend outside. Today, children are spending less and less time outdoors, thanks to the technological gadgets.

The American Academy of Pediatrics does not prescribe any screen time for kids under 2 years old and close to 2 hours a day after age 2. Research demonstrates that for 8-16 month old youngsters, each hour of survey, infant DVD/recordings was connected with 6-8 less words learned contrasted with those that did not watch them. Research suggests that children learn best through intuitive play with guardians and through investigation of their surroundings.

Many researchers suggest that children should spend at least 2 hours straight in a commercial playground or the backyard. However, there is no time limit to the amount of time that kids can spend outdoors.

How to encourage children to go outside? Here are a few tips that you an use to encourage kids to spend time outdoors.
  • Role-model positive practices by being physically dynamic with the youngsters, both inside and outside.
  • Encourage all kids to attempt new physical exercises and react emphatically when they do.
  • Share our own particular positive encounters with physical movement and encourage discussions with the youngsters about their encounters.
  • Provide fun, drawing in physical movement day by day in lesson. Make safe hardware open in the classroom at all times (e.g. delicate balls, push pull toys, low covered pieces to hop on, and so forth.).
  • Re-direct kids to safe physical exercises or include them in examinations about what to do when security issues or different concerns arise.
  • Encourage kids to be participate in all kinds of activities.
How much time do you think kids should spend outside? How do you encourage your kids to go outside?

Share your opinion with us through our comment section below.

Sunday, 7 February 2016

Controlling the Little Freaks…


Children are nothing less of a freak/monster that dwells on your veins, 24/7. Most children fail to listen and develop outraging behavioral patterns that become a nightmare for the parents. Do you feel like that it’s hard for you to control your little freak? If so, read below to find some useful tips that can help you control them.

Tips to Raise a Well Balanced Kid

  • Establish standards in the house. Children should know what they can and can’t do.
  • Establish authority. Most parents make it too soft for the kids that the kids feel like bending the rule any way they want. If you establish certain authority in the house, children will fear you and would probably abstain from being their own boss.
  • Establish certain rules. The rules keep everyone in line, and children are no exception. You can make several rules for children. For example, let children know how much time they can have with the outdoor playground equipment and TV. In addition, establish rules regarding household chores. Research suggests that children who learn to live by the rules are more likely to succeed academically than the kids who get to have their way with everything.
  • Be a role model. If you don’t practice what you preach, you are not going to get the results that you desire. Children learn a lot from what they see at home, so make sure that you practice self-discipline and restrain from things that may encourage your kids to practice bad behavior.
  • Use positive and negative reinforcement. Various research studies have shown that reinforcement works better than the punishment. So, make sure that you get kids in line with the right approach.

How do you help your child practice self-discipline and not turn into a freak? Share your opinion with us through our comment section below and help other parents.

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Tricks To Deal With “You’re Not The Boss of Me!” Attitude

So does your kid has “you’re not the boss of me” attitude? I know, most of you have nodded “yes”, which doesn’t come as a surprise. Most children have that attitude and they fail to let it go even when they reach the teenage days. In this article, we have outlined tips and tricks that will help you deal with this attitude problem.
  • Concentrate on the qualities and search for the positive attitude in your child. Voice your gratefulness at whatever point a youngster is adaptable, positive, or versatile.
  • Maintain a strategic distance from verbally abusing and naming children as “problem kid”. Labels wear down self-regard and confidence in children.
  • Use reflection to offer kids some assistance with recognizing alternatives. “Today, we are not going to commercial playground, and instead we will enjoy a Disney movie.” Children must be able to adapt to alternatives.
  • Be understanding, sympathize, and decipher disposition qualities.
  • Keep up an anticipated calendar. Caution offspring of changes in routine so they aren't found napping during active hours. For example, before it's a great opportunity to leave the outdoor playground equipment, let kids know when they can have their last play activity.
  • Destructible youngsters hear one thing at once. Give kids the basic, regulated headings so they can understand and succeed in a particular activity.
  • Keep your home quiet and unsurprising. Noisy TV, music, or family contentions will stretch any youngster, yet particularly those with troublesome personality.
  • Appreciate your youngsters' inclinations for nourishment taste, aroma, and other things. Good example adaptability by serving eggs in a way your kid likes.
  • Mentor youngsters about discretion. Help them expert dialect to express emotions. Remind them to discover non-forceful approaches to accomplish objectives.
  • Offer kids some assistance with regaining control amid or after fits of rage.
  • Show and support positive social aptitudes, for example, exchanging, arranging, sharing, welcoming others to play, asking before entering others' play, offering to help other people, requesting help, and sharing thoughts.
How do you help your children to eliminate that kind of attitude? Share your opinion through our comment section below.

Monday, 1 February 2016

Positive Things to Say to Your Children


Children need to know how their parents feel about them. It is extremely important that they understand their value and importance in the household, which will help them understand their value as individual human beings. Now, how can you , as a parent, make sure that your child feels valued and ultimately feels self confident about himself? We have gathered a list of things that you can say to your child to make him feel confident about himself and translate his confidence into productive output both on the commercial playground and in the classroom. Scroll down to see the lists of things to say to your child:

  1. You will always be loved and supported.
  2. You make us (parents and family) smile.
  3. I think about you all the time.
  4. You make our world better.
  5. We will always protect you.
  6. Sometimes you have to hear no, and that is okay.
  7. We have faith in you.
  8. I know you can do really well.
  9. You are original and creative.
  10. Always trust your instincts.
  11. Your ideas are worthwhile.
  12. You are highly capable.
  13. You deserve the best.
  14. You are strong.
  15. You can say no.
  16. Your choices matter.
  17. You make a difference.
  18. Your words are powerful.
  19. Your actions are powerful.
  20. You can choose your actions.
  21. You are more than your emotions.
  22. You are a good friend.
  23. You are kind.
  24. Someone else’s poor behavior is not an excuse for your own.
  25. You are imperfect, but that is okay.
  26. You can change your mind.
  27. You can learn from your mistakes.
  28. You can ask for help.
  29. You are learning.
  30. You are growing.
  31. Growing is hard work.
  32. I believe you.
  33. I believe in you.
  34. You are valuable.
  35. You are interesting.
  36. You are beautiful.
  37. When you make a mistake you are still beautiful.
  38. Your body is your own.
  39. You are important.
  40. Your ideas matter.
  41. You are able to do work that matters.
  42. I see you working and learning every day.
  43. You make a difference in my life.
  44. I am curious what you think.
  45. How did you do that?
  46. Your ideas are interesting.
  47. You’ve made me think of things in a completely new way.
  48. I’m excited to see what you do.
  49. Thanks for helping me.
  50. Thank you for contributing to our family.
  51. I enjoy your company.
  52. It’s fun to do things with you.
  53. I’m glad you’re here.
  54. I’m happy to talk with you.
  55. I’m ready to listen.
  56. I’m listening.
  57. I’m proud of you.
  58. I’m grateful you’re in my life.
  59. You make us smile.
What things do you tell your child in order to make sure he knows his importance, or what do you to make sure that he knows his value in the house?