Monday, 12 January 2015

Learning to Survive: How can Playgrounds Help Children do well in their Later Life

Is your child equipped with the power of self-confidence, self-reliance and self- esteem? If your child usually faces peer rejection in school, then there is a good chance that he’s lacking self-esteem and confidence that play a key role in academic achievement and social development. Lack of survival skills can cause serious peer rejection in school, which can eventually lead to decreased academic performance. 

Outdoor playground equipment is the most crucial element that provides the opportunities for  essential physical activity. Research shows that children who are physically active develop essential skill set that helps them strive in life.
Here are some of the benefits of playgrounds that can help your child develop skills that will help him lead a prosperous life.

Social/Interpersonal skills

Commercial playground equipment is designed to be utilized by a group of children. When children play in a group, they learn to negotiate and share with other playmates. Playgrounds build the basic foundation of social development that stays with your child for the rest of his life. The social skills learned at the playgrounds prepare your child for the future associations and networking that not only help him do well academically, but also build a solid career in the future.

Behavioral skills

Playgrounds provide more than just the fun-oriented activities; they help your child discipline himself and learn the behavioral traits that are crucial for overall personality development. When children socialize with other children they learn to respect ad deal with rejection. In addition, children learn to understand the various boundaries of social relations that they must never cross.
Most children who depict disruptive behavior are bad at social skills, which greatly impacts their self-esteem and self-confidence. Playgrounds provide a healthy environment that can help your child discover his personality and build a perception about the world and the people around him. According to a recent research survey, children who spend more than 28 hours a week in a playground are more social and mentally active than the others.

Improved Cognitive Development

It is a well-documented fact that physical activities promote the cognitive development a child. Various past researches have shown that after proper nutrition, physical activities are the most important element that can enhance the growth of brain cells that play an important role in the overall brain function development.
Tablets and video games limit your child’s imagination and restrict the brain from getting unique exposure. In order to develop enhanced cognitive function, the brain needs different experiences that can only be provided through substantial physical activity. So, set the game consoles aside and let your child ride free in the sun for the nourishment he needs.

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