Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Outdoor Activities: Why Mud, Muck and Rain Water might be Good for Your Child?

It’s not evident which doctrine or biblical apocrypha embedded the belief in our culture’s roots that dirt or any other naturally occurring sullied substance is essentially bad for our children. Since the inception of recreational activity, parents believe that dirt, mud water and other similar elements that pass as a pollutant are extremely dangerous for kids. However, the research shows a different side of bacteria found in dirt. A recent research shows that dirt and mud might be good for your kids. This article will discuss why.

Bacteria: The Good Side

Most people are not very keen on believing that bacteria might actually be good for health. Well, this recent development might make people thing differently about germs. Apparently, the various bacteria found in the dirt are known to have positive effects on your child’s brain. The bacteria in the soil naturally activate the neurons in the brain that are responsible for producing serotonin—a chemical that charges various bodily functions.
Why your kids need serotonin? Here’s why:
  • Serotonin makes the heart stronger and reduces the risk of heart problems at an early age, as well as in the future.
  • Serotonin helps in brain development and many cognitive functions.
  • Serotonin works as an antidepressant and helps children relax.
  • Lack of Serotonin can cause sleep problems, so playing in the mud can help children have the essential dose of Serotonin.
  • Serotonin is a natural mood booster.
  • Serotonin keeps the various important bodily functions such as appetite, mood, sleep and energy.

Enhanced Immunity

Dirt is great for increased immunity in children. If you believe that by providing a clean environment for your kids you are keeping them safe, then think again. Research shows that exposing children to natural microbes in an early age can help build a stronger immune system that is more disease-resistant. Children who have a stronger immune system rarely miss their school days and are more active in other challenging physical activities than the other kids.

Character Development

It is a well documented fact that children learn more outdoors than indoors. Whether it’s an old-fashioned outdoor playground equipment or a barren patch, kids find out ways to engage in structured and unstructured activity. Children who spend more than 13 hours of their total activity time playing in dirt have lower blood pressure and stress level. But that is not the only benefit of spending more time in the backyard or any other play area for that matter.
Kids develop strong character that helps them build interpersonal skills that are essential for academic success. Strong character, not only helps children develop self-confidence, but also helps them become self-sufficient.

Development of Childhood Memories

This is probably the biggest benefit of letting kids play in the mud. The kids develop one of their most memorable memories while playing outdoors. The mud castles, the feet impressions in the sand and even the simple commercial playground equipment can leave a long lasting imprint on your child’s memory. So, do not rob your kids of the joys of playing outside simply because you think they’ll catch a disease. Let them make memories!

Thursday, 5 February 2015

How to Boost Children’s Physical Activity through Parental Support

Do you hate getting out of bed every morning? How about your evening routine; do you spend most of your time on the couch glued to watching a cheap evening program on TV? Research shows that parents can impart their lifestyle to their children. Parents play a significant role in their child’s overall physical development. Parents, especially mothers contribute positively towards their kid’s physiological well-being. Most parents impart their sedentary behavior to their kids, which leads to obesity and other behavioral problems. This article will highlight why parental support matters and why parents need to change their way of life in order to help their kids develop an active lifestyle.

Why Parental Support Matters?

According to a research study, children are heavily influenced by their parents’ lifestyle and usually develop analogous habits that significantly affect their academic life. To make an elevating prominence in children’s day-to-day physical activities, it is crucial that parents actively support the structured and unstructured activities.

Children mostly visit parks and other open areas for active play under their parent’s influence; therefore, parents who support physical activities give more opportunities to their children for all kinds of physical activities. Many researchers believe that children who face difficulties in school usually lack the interpersonal and social skills that can only be developed through a healthy amount of active play. Children, who usually do well in school, both academically and socially, are physically active.
Parental support can allow children to explore their personality and develop a perception about the world around them.
Do not ignore any opportunity for an active play; the backyard swings and the outdoor playground equipment matters a lot when it comes to physical health of your child, so do not take the commercial playground equipment, or any other play structure for that matter, for granted.

How can I Boost my Child’s Physical Activity?

Do you often miss your child’s football game? Most parents usually ignore minor activities  like weekend baseball game and even a stroll in the nearest park. You do not really have to dedicate a complete day for a fun-oriented physical activity; a few hours every day can make a lot of difference. Here are some essential tips that can help you boost your child’s physical activities:

  • Encourage your kids to actively participate in sports and other physical activities. Cheer them on by attending every event.
  • Constantly monitor their progress and give them helpful advice about how to play better.
  • Schedule a fun day out at least twice a week.
  • Make sure that your child gets ample nutrition to play strong.

So, what are you doing to enhance your child’s physical activities? Type away in our comment section and let us know what you think.